Charley learns a trick!

My husband was very skeptical that I could teach Charley a trick, and refused to admit he’d learned it until he performed the trick on at least 5 separate occasions. Well, I’ve taught Charley to jump onto the top of his scratching post on command by saying “Charley, up!” He’s a smart cat and he likes to jump and perch, so I knew he could do it!

Phil and Prada

This is Phil and Prada, one of the four cats Phil and Cindy have in their household.

Cindy brought back four cats from Indonesia in 2008 – Prada, Vuitty (both named after famous designers), Abe, and Gila (which means “crazy” in Indonesian). After being rescued from the lives of street cats, these four cats “all now live the life of luxury in our house with many great sleeping spots” according to Cindy. She says Gila is so attached to Phil that she cries at the window when he is outside and will run to greet him when he comes home.

Cindy says she’s thankful that “Phil was generous enough to welcome me into his house with my beautiful Indonesian furniture AND my four cats!” Sounds like he is lucky to have such a wonderful, caring partner who would rescue four cats and give them a great home!

Cat-loving man of the week: Ken Wahl

According to USA Today, Ken Wahl, “an award-winning Hollywood actor is joining the effort to find whoever glued a cat to a southern Minnesota highway last month.” He will be donating his Golden Globe (won in 1990) to the existing reward fund to go to the person who turns in the cat abuser. USA Today quotes Wahl as saying that “his heart belongs to his main love, Sweetest, a rescue cat from the Stray Cat Alliance.”

What a guy!

Six-toed cat cam!

I purred with delight when I saw this commercial for the first time today featuring a “six-toed cat cam!” I immediately thought the cat must be a reference to author Ernest Hemingway, a famous resident of the Florida Keys (and one of the most well-know ailurophiles) who owned a six-toed cat. My suspicion was confirmed by this website about the ad campaign, which states “the copper-colored feline is a direct descendant of the six-toed cats once owned by world-renowned author and former Key West resident Ernest Hemingway.” In fact, Key West is the location of the Hemingway Home, where over 60 cats still live.